Why subscribe?

You like my books and think it might be fun to read bits of my work that no-one else has read, and may not ever read outside of this substack. (Wait, but who am I?) You’re curious about what it’s like to be a writer. You work as a writer and want the benefit of shared knowledge about our mystifying chosen career. You just want something to read over your morning coffee.


It goes out regularly. It usually has probably too-candid musings and insights into the job, a bit of fiction writing (whether old, new or -gulp- work-in-progress), and whatever book/music/movie/show/experiences are floating my creative boat right now.


You get all the above, plus exclusive posts of longer writings, plus the ongoing chance to ask me anything you like, and I’ll answer it in a future subscriber only post. (I’m also toying with the idea of video and written interviews with either just myself or other writers, of which I know a few and can totally strongarm into hopping on a video with me. tbc.)

All written work within this website and newsletter is copyrighted to me, Laure Eve.

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Subscribe to Work In Progress

This gives you: regular fiction writing from me, whether old, new or work-in-progress. Plus probably too-candid career insights from 10 years working in publishing, 8 years as a novelist, and 1 year-ish as a screenwriter.


Writer, human. Author of 6 novels and counting, including The Graces and Blackheart Knights. Work in progress.